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9 Effective Personal Branding Techniques for Lawyers to Stand Out

9 Effective Personal Branding Techniques for Lawyers to Stand Out

In a field as competitive as law, personal branding is crucial. We asked nine legal professionals, including Senior Associates and Personal Injury Lawyers, to share their most effective personal branding techniques. From pursuing thought leadership in the legal field to prioritizing genuine compassion for clients, here are their insightful responses.

  • Pursue Thought Leadership in the Legal Field

  • Embrace Social Media for Legal Education

  • Resonate with Clients through Storytelling

  • Craft a Unique Narrative around Expertise

  • Inject Humor into Legal Blogs

  • Establish Authority through Online Presence

  • Engage Audience with Interactive Webinars

  • Build Reputation through Kindness and Community Involvement

  • Prioritize Genuine Compassion for Clients

Pursue Thought Leadership in the Legal Field

Thought leadership is a good place to begin. Establish yourself as an authority in your field by sharing insights, knowledge, and perspectives on legal topics, industry trends, and issues of the day. Thought leadership sets you apart from other lawyers by showcasing your expertise and demonstrating your ability to provide valuable guidance and solutions.

Some ways to establish your reputation is regularly creating high-quality content, such as articles, blog posts, and guides on legal topics relevant to your practice area. Share insights, analyses, and practical advice. Participate in webinars, conferences, workshops, to share your expertise with a broader audience. Public speaking enhances your visibility and credibility. If public speaking is an issue, try joining a panel discussion which will help get you comfortable on stage.

Leverage social media platforms to share legal updates, opinions, and insights. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and participating in discussions. Build relationships with professionals in your field and related industries. Networking provides opportunities to share your expertise and learn from others. Spread your digital footprint, but never forget the power of a personal relationship.

Stay informed about legal industry trends, emerging technologies, and regulatory changes. Remember that thought leadership requires consistent effort and dedication. By consistently sharing your expertise, insights, and perspectives, you can create a personal brand that positions you as a trusted and knowledgeable legal professional.

Embrace Social Media for Legal Education

Our firm has taken the approach of being very active on social media, particularly with making short videos (Reels, TikToks, and YouTube shorts). Not only is it fun for us, but it's an effective way to educate the public on legal terms and give them an inside view of what it's like to work as an attorney. It's fun to combat the common stereotype that lawyers are boring, stiff, and don't have a sense of humor. We like to have fun at work too, just like our clients!

Helen Tokar, Senior Associate, Wisner Baum

Resonate with Clients through Storytelling

Navigating the legal landscape requires more than just expertise; it demands the ability to resonate with clients on a personal level. One technique I've employed to distinguish myself is storytelling. I often share client success stories (while maintaining confidentiality) through various platforms, like blogs, podcasts, or speaking engagements.

This not only demonstrates my expertise and dedication but also humanizes the often-intimidating world of law. By sharing my journeys, challenges, and triumphs, I create a connection with potential clients, showing them that I'm not just a lawyer but also an advocate who understands and empathizes with their unique challenges. This approach has helped build trust and establish a distinct voice amidst a sea of legal professionals.

Craft a Unique Narrative around Expertise

Crafting a unique narrative around one's expertise and journey can significantly set a lawyer apart. This involves sharing personal stories of challenges and triumphs that resonate with a specific audience, thereby creating a memorable brand. Integrating this narrative into various platforms, from speaking engagements to writing articles, allows the lawyer to showcase their distinct voice and perspective.

This personal approach not only humanizes the lawyer but also builds trust with potential clients who see them as relatable and approachable. It's the art of storytelling that underpins this technique, transforming a lawyer from another name in the directory to a narrative that clients connect with and remember.

Thomas Gallivan, New York Personal Injury Lawyer, Gallivan Law Firm

Inject Humor into Legal Blogs

Through witty legal blogs and engaging social media posts, I address complex legal topics with a touch of humor. Clients often find legal jargon intimidating, so breaking it down in a light-hearted manner not only educates but also entertains. This approach humanizes my practice, making it more approachable for clients.

By blending expertise with humor, I've cultivated a distinct personal brand that's memorable and relatable, helping me stand out in the competitive legal landscape.

Michael Edwards, Partner, Michael Edwards Solicitors

Establish Authority through Online Presence

Well, you know, in the legal world, it's crucial to establish your expertise while still being relatable. So, what I've found that really works is maintaining an active online presence. I regularly write articles and blog posts about legal topics that matter to people. It's not just about showcasing my knowledge, but breaking it down in a way that anyone can understand.

This not only helps position me as an authority in the field but also makes the law seem a bit less intimidating for the average person. Plus, it's a great way to connect with potential clients on a more personal level. They see that I'm not just some attorney in a suit, but someone who genuinely wants to make the law accessible and understandable for them.

Mike Schmidt, Civil Trial Law Specialist, Personal Injury Trial Law Specialist by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, and Civil Trial Specialist by the National Board of Trial Advocacy., Schmidt & Clark

Engage Audience with Interactive Webinars

I've found hosting interactive webinars to be incredibly effective. These live, online sessions allow me to share my knowledge, offer real-time advice, and engage directly with my audience. I can address their questions and concerns directly and build a personal connection, which is otherwise difficult if you're relying solely on content or blog posts.

It's not just about presenting legal information, of course, but also about making the law accessible and understandable for those seeking assistance. This approach has helped me stand out in a crowded field and establish a stronger, more relatable presence.

Riley Beam, Managing Attorney, Douglas R. Beam, P.A.

Build Reputation through Kindness and Community Involvement

I have been in this industry for a long time, so I can confidently say that consistently treating others—clients and opposing lawyers alike—with kindness and respect has helped me stand out.

Being involved in the community is also an effective personal branding technique. I have actively served on the Board of Directors of the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association for decades, which has given me the ability to have a say in the state legislature.

Rick Hovde, Founding Partner, Hovde Dassow + Deets

Prioritize Genuine Compassion for Clients

Having real compassion for your clients is vital from a personal-branding perspective. Compassion shows up in reviews and in referrals from past clients. It can't be faked. Always putting your client first is the most important branding any personal-injury lawyer can do.

Greg Baumgartner, Personal Injury Lawyer, Baumgartner Law Firm

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